Monday, December 14, 2009

Does shaving your face help your facial hair grow faster as a young man?

does shaving facial hair that hasn't really grown yet for a young man make it grow faster?Does shaving your face help your facial hair grow faster as a young man?
No. Many people will say otherwise, but studies have proven this to be just a myth.Does shaving your face help your facial hair grow faster as a young man?
Your hair won't grow out any faster than it is now. It will however make your hair a lot fuller which, unless you want a beard, can be a bad thing. Just wait until you start getting a lot of hair and then start shaving. Once it's out, it will come out a LITTLE faster.
shaving probably make your facial hair grow any faster but it does cause it to grow in fuller and thicker. shaving upwards as opposed to down has proved to be a good way to get your beard to thicken. also makes for a closer shave most of the time.

when i was 12 i was curious so i did it, and by the time i was 15 i looked 18, now that im 18 i look 21

same goes for pubes, they grow thicker and more then more u shave
yes it does, and if you keep on shaving, it will make it thick and as you get older it will be kind green.
Well not faster... but it will grow out fuller, but it will be prickly and itch if you shave too soon
no it doesnt grow faster but more hair grows out.
Nope, it's just a myth.

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