Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How many muscles does a person got in his face, and how many of them are activated due facial expressions ?

which are the most common facial expression and which facial muscles groups are they using ?How many muscles does a person got in his face, and how many of them are activated due facial expressions ?
I don't know the number, but the facial muscles include:

* Occipitofrontalis (raises the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead, so yes for expression)

* Procerus (yes)

* Nasalis muscle

* Depressor septi nasi

* Orbicularis oculi (closes the eyelids)

* Corrugator supercilii (is the “frowning” muscle)

* Depressor supercilii (eye muscle)

* Auricular muscles (anterior, superior, posterior)

* Orbicularis oris (the sphincter muscle around the mouth - yes)

* Depressor anguli oris (It is a muscle of facial expression associated with frowning)

* Risorius ( Yes, a muscles of facial expression)

* Zygomaticus major

* Zygomaticus minor (Is a muscle of facial expression which draws the angle of the mouth superiorly and posteriorly)

* Levator labii superioris (Yes, is a muscle of facial expression)

* Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (It dilates the nostril and elevates the upper lip, enabling one to snarl. Elvis Presley is famous for his use of this facial expression, earning the muscle this nickname ';The Elvis muscle';)

* Depressor labii inferioris (Yes, it's a facial muscle that helps lower the bottom lip.

* Levator anguli oris (Yes, it's a facial muscle of the mouth)

* Buccinator (a muscle at the side of the face, its action is to pull back the angle of the mouth and to flatten the cheek area)

* Mentalis (situated at the tip of the chin. It raises and pushes up the lower lip, causing wrinkling of the chin, as in doubt or displeasure. Sometimes referred to as the ';pouting muscle';)

* Platysma ( Although it's mostly in the neck, due to its common innervation it can also be considered a muscle of facial express)………

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